Bringing better eSignature experience.

It’s time to stop using paper based contracts. Digitize your office workflow with EzySign. Save time, money, and close deals faster.


EzySign eSignature benefits

EzySign eSignature accelerates agreements, eliminates manual tasks, and makes it easy to connect with the tools and systems you’re already using.

Feature that will empower your business

Made For

People who wants to save time, money and love the nature by designing and managing entire agreement process on the fly. Satisfaction guaranteed!


Create secure and intuitive eSignature workflows on any device, track the status of documents right in your account, build online fillable forms – all within a single solution.


EzySign is compliant with the industry-leading security standards ensuring your documents are signed, shared and stored with multiple levels of protection.

Enhance your reputation

It’s important to make doing business with your clients, partners, and employees simple and modern. With EzySign intuitive and error-proof guiding signing experience, you give them a faster, more convenient way to interact with you, reinforcing your reputation of being at the cutting edge of technology.


Affordable price and plans

Eliminates your paper signature with an efficient cost saving solution.Happiness guaranteed.


per year

  • Legally Binded eSignature
  • Signer authentication
  • Single User
  • 3 Envelopes
  • Google Drive Integration

per year

  • Legally Binded eSignature
  • Signer authentication
  • 5 Users
  • 20 Envelopes (initial Add-ons)
  • Google Drive Integration
  • Mobile Login
  • Reminder/Notification alert
  • Signer Verification

per year

  • Legally Binded eSignature
  • Signer authentication
  • Unlimited Users
  • 100 Envelopes (initial Add-ons)
  • Google Drive Integration
  • Templates Included
  • Mobile Login
  • Reminder/Notification alert
  • Signer Verification
Let's Talk
  • Legally Binded eSignature
  • Signer authentication
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Envelopes
  • Google Drive Integration
  • Mobile Login
  • Reminder/Notification alert
  • Signer Verification
  • Bulk Send
  • 14$ for 50 envelopes
  • 12$ for 50 envelopes

per month

  • Legally Binded eSignature
  • Signer authentication
  • Single User
  • 3 Envelopes
  • Google Drive Integration

per month

  • Legally Binded eSignature
  • Signer authentication
  • 5 Users
  • 20 Envelopes (initial Add-ons)
  • Google Drive Integration
  • Mobile Login
  • Reminder/Notification alert
  • Signer Verification

per month

  • Legally Binded eSignature
  • Signer authentication
  • Unlimited Users
  • 100 Envelopes (initial Add-ons)
  • Google Drive Integration
  • Templates Included
  • Mobile Login
  • Reminder/Notification alert
  • Signer Verification
Let's Talk

  • Legally Binded eSignature
  • Signer authentication
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Envelopes
  • Google Drive Integration
  • Mobile Login
  • Reminder/Notification alert
  • Signer Verification
  • Bulk Send
  • 14$ for 50 envelopes
  • 12$ for 50 envelopes

Frequently Asked Questions

EzySign allows you to electronically request and add legally valid signatures to any document, from new hire agreements to loans, to NDAs.

An eSignature is a handwritten autograph of a person made with the help of appropriate software from various devices: desktops, tablets or smartphones. They're used to confirm the integrity and authenticity of a signed document in its electronic form. E-signatures are advantageous features for certifying documents online with a single click. And they help companies to conclude transactions, manage relevant records quickly and significantly save time and reduce expenses. Check it out, and keep up the great work!

In general, a digital signature is a reliable way to implement an electronic signature when the signatory is verified by obtaining a certificate of authentication based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) protocol from a government-authorized Certifying Authority (CA). In the case of esignatures, the authenticity of the signer is not required to be certified.

Our electronic signature service is secure for any kind of business, so you may rest assured that your information will be stored safely. Besides, your records are legally binding and comply with ESIGN authentication and protection requirements.

An envelope is an virtual bag that you can send the document to be signed by signee. An envelope allows to send multiple recipients and track the status of each recipients signing process from end to end.

It’s even easier than you may expect. You just open the template and set theSignature Field in one click. Then, simply draw, type or upload an image of your customized autograph within seconds. Moreover, you can outline it directly onto a touchscreen if you are on a tablet or mobile device. You can do much more:
  1. Make your own templates of eSignature contracts and agreements or use ready-made forms from EzySign's extensive library.
  2. PlaceSignature fields wherever you want on the page.
  3. Send a record to sign to either single or multiple recipients at once.
  4. Establish a specific signing order for forms.
  5. Create and send a Signing Link or Customized invitation.

Templates are reusableSignature documents that are best used for commonly used forms such as NDAs, offer letters, or sales agreements. Configure them once, save them as templates, and use them again the next time you need them.

Our streamlined e-signature software makes it extremely simple and convenient for any customer, partner or employee to sign and return documents in a few quick clicks. No registration is required. After someone receives a signing link or email invitation, they can e-sign the template in the quickest way possible: by typing, drawing or capturing theSignature with their camera.


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